Beirut is the most


Beirut is the most important tourist area in Lebanon. It is the economic and cultural center of the country. It includes many tourist places, besides many modern shopping complexes. It has restaurants that serve the best dishes from the famous Lebanese cuisine.…
Bsharri Tourism


Today tourism is one of the most important economic sectors in Bsharri, where the museum and the tomb of Gibran Khalil Gibran, the famous Lord's Forest of God and ice skating rinks. The town also overlooks the holy Qadisha Valley and Qadisha…
Baalbek Tourism


Baalbek is a city in Lebanon famous of it's amazing historic ancient ruins, including some of the most well-preserved Roman temples in the world. Attractions and Tourism Sites: Ancient Ruins: Roman Ruins: The most famous attractions in Baalbek are the Roman ruins,…
Deir al-Qamar Activities

Deir al-Qamar

Deir al-Qamar is an amazing ancient city in Lebanon, which preserved its architectural features from 17 to 18 centuries. This pattern continues until you reach Beit Din, you will enjoy walking in the beautiful old streets, gardens roses blossoming and jasmine will…
There are various types of tourism in Jordan


There are various types of tourism in Jordan, for example you will find religious, cultural. historical, sport, and nuture sites. Major tourist attractions in Jordan include UNESCO World Heritage Sites such as Petra and Umm ar-Rasas, ancient cities such as Amman, Aqaba, Madaba and Jerash, the Jordan River, the Dead Sea, Mount Nebo, and locations such…


Amman city is the capital of Jordan; it named “Philadelphia" which means the king who loved his sister. This ancient city built on seven mountains; it is an ancient city with ancient kingdoms and civilizations. The capital is a magnificent model combining…
Petra city, or pink city


Petra city, or pink city as it named, is one of the most creative historical cities in the world,  for the unique architectural design implemted in the pink color stones carved in rock. The “Seeq”: To start your journey in one of…
The city of Madaba


The city of Madaba or "Mosaic City", which is over 5000 years old, is located next to the Kings Road, you will not forget when you visit it. Mosaics: Madaba is famous for its Byzantine, and Umayyad mosaics, which includes a mosaic…
Jerash is one of the historical Roman cities that retain its features


Jerash is one of the historical Roman cities that retain its archeological features. Scientists discovered the existence of a whole city with its tiled, worshiped streets, high buildings, theaters, terraces, squares, baths, waterfalls and fences . Jerash was under Roman rule and…
Aqaba is the only exit


  Aqaba is the only exit, and entrance for Jordan on the sea, therefore it has a tourist and economic importance. It is also the starting point for Jordan's visitors across the sea to the southern historical, archeological and areas of the…