The city of Madaba


The city of Madaba or "Mosaic City", which is over 5000 years old, is located next to the Kings Road, you will not forget when you visit it. Mosaics: Madaba is famous for its Byzantine, and Umayyad mosaics, which includes a mosaic…
Jerash is one of the historical Roman cities that retain its features


Jerash is one of the historical Roman cities that retain its archeological features. Scientists discovered the existence of a whole city with its tiled, worshiped streets, high buildings, theaters, terraces, squares, baths, waterfalls and fences . Jerash was under Roman rule and…
Aqaba is the only exit


  Aqaba is the only exit, and entrance for Jordan on the sea, therefore it has a tourist and economic importance. It is also the starting point for Jordan's visitors across the sea to the southern historical, archeological and areas of the…
Ajloun considered one of the important cities in Jordan


Ajloun considered one of the important cities in Jordan because of its many characteristics and features such as water availability, soil fertility, orchards, and the various monuments in the city and its villages. There are many activities and adventures you can do…
The Dead Sea

Dead Sea

Introduction:  The Dead Sea is located in lowest spot in the world the middle of the Jordan Valley, where it is a natural landscape, and the edge of the valley begins to rise from the western side to be a series of…
Dana Natural Reserve

Dana Natural Reserve

Dana Natural Reserve   The reserve is an important tourist attraction in Jordan, consisting of a mountains series, and valleys stretching from the far east of the Jordan Valley to Wadi Araba Desert. We also should mention the amazing magnificent beautiful view resulting…

Um Qais

History: Anbar Um Qais is one of the oldest historical Romanian cities. It named "Jadra" in the past, one of the Decapolis cities, “the Ten Romanian Cities” The city was famous for the literary renaissance that made it a center for poets,…
Wadi Rum

Wadi Rum

Introdution: Wadi Rum, known also as the Valley of the Moon, it is an amazing vally in the desert,  cut into the sandstone and granite rock, also a shooting location for many films. Home to nomadic Bedouin tribes, Wadi Rum is a…
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