Wadi Rum


Wadi Rum, known also as the Valley of the Moon, it is an amazing vally in the desert,  cut into the sandstone and granite rock, also a shooting location for many films.

Home to nomadic Bedouin tribes, Wadi Rum is a a quiet place to relax, have aclear view of the stars, enjoy the sand, sun, and perfect complement from Amman’s epicenter.

The magnificent golden sunrays reflection on the carved mountains will take your mind away, where the fun takes place regardless of your location, if it is in the bottom of the valley, or on the top of the mountain.

This site is one of Jordan’s UNESCO world heritage sites, for more information click here

My experience

My experience in Wadi Rum was unique. The story began when I received a message from a Canadian guy lives in Wadi Rum village his name is Mike offering me free stay at his residence inexchnge of helping hip mange social media network channels.

Day one:

I arrived in Wadi Rum on Saturday afternoon before the sunset, he met me after the visitors' center and took me to his house in the village surrounded by the mountains appear in the pictures.

We spent Saturday evening talking to get to know each other, and discussing work details.

Day Two

The next day we started working from the morning until a couple Bedouins friends of Mike visited him, we discussed some points to improve web presence for their camps, then we went to Aqaba for shopping, but we had to stay after midnight because the car broke.

Day Three:

On the third d ay, we continue working until a Bedouin investor came to take us on a tour in the wonderful desert valley, beautiful sand layers next to each other when I saw them thought there is a see after the sand due to sand layers color variation.


Mike friend took us in a tour between camps, later on he took us to his, where he hosted us, I meet some tourists we start talking, then we went to watch the sunset from above a hill until dinnertime, and the food was Zerb, which cooked in a hole under the desert sands.

At the evening, the host  set the fire on, then we laid down to enjoy wonderful stars view between the mountains in Wadi Rum Desert , which cannot be seen from the city, after we slept over in the camp.

It is worth saying that the valley has passed through different periods exciting from the distant past of the last Ice Age to the modern era, scientists have shown that there were population gatherings because the area was dense trees and rainfall in abundance since the nature was different at that time from today.


Tourist activities are varied:

Tourist activities in this area include camping, horseback riding tours, horseback riding, camels, mountaineering, as well as flights. The visitor can stay in camps that offer meals and other services.

If you want to explore Wadi Rum, you have several options. First, go to the visitor center for information that will make it easier for you to save time while visiting the club. If you want to rent a four-wheel drive with its driver, who is the same tour guide during a two or three hour tour, you will discover most of the sites, either by car, it takes a full day trip and on camels takes a full day (day and night)

However, if you choose the air trip, you can choose from several options, such as an Alter light, a micro lite, a single engine, or two engines where you can limit the flight duration from 20 minutes and more.


To explore more sites in Jordan click here.


Computer Science Bachelor, over 20 years of experience varies from system admin to business development and online business development