
Tourism in Tunisia

Tourism in Tunisia plays a big role in the economy, attracting more than 6 million tourists each year. There are plenty of hotels, restaurants and cafés to enjoy public transport is cheap. Tunisia is the most host country in North Africa. In this topic, we will mention most attraction sites in Tunisia as it consider a treasure of beautiful tourist places, besides the splendor of culture and history. Tunisia is a country filled in attractive elements such as temples and castles dating back to antiquity.

You will enjoy attractive tourist destinations in Tunisia, including:

• Douglas.

• The National Carthage Museum.

• Zaytouna Mosque.

• Sousse Archaeological Museum.

• National Museum of Pardo.

• Basidi National Park.

• Lake Eshkol.

• Shimtu Museum.

• Exotic Church.

The most important tourist areas in Tunisia

Tunisia has a variety of different tourist areas, where you can enjoy many places and activities whether you are in solitary, family, or romantic trip, even on a honeymoon trip.

1) The Roman Amphitheater:

   Its construction technique represents a stunning architectural innovation by virtue of the complexity of its vaults, which protect it from earthquakes risk. In the fifth century, the Vandals destroyed it and restored in the 19th century until rebuilt completely in 1960s. Listed from the incredibly preserved Roman ruins, it is one of the best examples of architecture listed in the world. You can climb to the upper layers with a stare in the square to imagine the battles that took place in this area.

2) The island of Djerba:

It has a rich cultural heritage; the most famous are family mosques, and watchtowers called the bands along its shores, each tower is a bond and a mosque at the same time. In depth, a second line of defense consists of mosques that are also fortified fortresses; bands using daytime smoke and night fire connect them. It is also a stronghold of Obadiah in the Maghreb. If you are looking for a perfect picture of the beaches in Tunisia, you will not find beauty like the beauty of this beach. The main island is located in Houma Souk with its old town area of ​​white houses, as an attraction with plenty of shopping opportunities for those who wish to have fun on the beach.

3) Sidi Bousaid:

Sidi Bou Said is a tourist area and is the first protected site in the world and its origin date back to middle ages. It is a wonderful tourist place characterized by its own architecture, where all the houses will find this white masterpiece art has ancient doors dominated by blue. These doors also feature inscriptions and decorations that are very old. You will find high coffee site, a tourist attraction area that attracts many local and foreign visitors, especially in the summer. In addition to festive manifestations in the summer.

4) Carthage:

Carthage is an ancient city dating back to antiquity. Founded by the Phoenicians in 814 BC then followed by different civilizations, each leaving its distinctive mark, which indicates its role in building this city civilization.

Activities are vary in the city of Carthage, will mention some of them:

Carthage Museum: The museum contains traces of three great civilizations: Phoenician, Punic, Roman African, and Islamic Arabic.

The Bonyji neighborhood and the Furum: It is a residential neighborhood interspersed with streets intersecting with existing angles, inside which is a group of floor buildings, divided into apartments in the style of modern construction. We also find shops open to the street on the ground floor of buildings.

• Damos Church Al-Karita: A large religious site include two churches and some buildings attached to them. Found in Roman Afrikaans (65 AD / 45 AD). Looks divided into several wings with columns, but nothing left than two large wings that converge in the middle of the monument and end in the chest in the southeast and south-west.

5) Pardo Museum

  Pardo Museum has some of beautiful Bardo mosaic collection. It is one of the largest museums in North Africa and has one of the most important mosaic collections in the world. It is also an exposition of the ancient artistic artifacts of the world; you should not be miss it in Tunisia.

It is the second museum in the world for Roman mosaics after the Zyogma mosaic museum in Turkey. Its collection includes thousands of Roman mosaics from the second century BC until the sixth century AD. The Pardo Museum has many pavilions and halls, the most important of which are:



• The Roman Carthage Hall,

• Virgil Hall,

• Hall Accuracy,

• Mahdia Hall,

• Christian Mosaic Hall,

• Sousse Hall,

• The Arab Museum.

6) Kairouan

  Kairouan is the first Islamic city in the Maghreb. Kairouan as a word derivative from the Persian word "Kirwan" meaning the camp or the weapons store. From its name, we conclude that this ancient city was a military base from which Islamic conquests originated. Kairouan had a high scientific status because it was the first scientific center in the Maghreb, where libraries, schools and mosques established which frequented visited by people from different countries of Morocco to learn various types of science.

Kairouan also contains many monuments, characterized by inspiring Arab architecture; you notice them as of large minarets and domes, as well as corridors that mimic the narrow mazes of colored houses, not to mention the charming old town.

The most important scientific and archaeological centers in Kairouan:

Bayt al-Hikma:

Like the House of Wisdom in Baghdad, it is the medicine basis in Kairouan and later became an exposition of the various sciences of astronomy, medicine, plant, engineering and mathematics. Bayt al-Hikma was a scientific institute for study, scientific research and translation from Latin and a center for copying works.

Kairouan Mosque:

It is one of the most important archaeological and religious monuments in the city of Kairouan throughout history, built by Oqba Ben Nafie when the city established. Expanded and developed from one era to another and considered the first reference for the Andalusian civilization and Moroccan architecture and decoration.

Top areas and landmarks you can visit:

  • Mosque obstacle:

One of the finest monuments of Islamic architecture in the Maghreb was the largest mosques in the Arab Maghreb until Hassan II Mosque built in Casablanca late 20th century.

  • The place of the companion Abu Zuma Balawi:

One of the most important religious shrines in Tunisia.

  • The place of Sidi Obeid al-Ghorayani
  • The place of Sidi Omar Obada
  • Well Barouth
  • Aghlabian anomalies
  • Three doors Mosque
  • The National Museum of Islamic Art in Raqqada
  • The city wall: the gates of the fence (Bab al-Jalladin, the main door and the most dynamic, Bab Tunis: the second most important door, the new door: opposite the Zaytouna Mosque, Bab al-Khokha, the door leading to the Mosque of Uqba ibn Nafie, Place of Sidi Soury
  • The market: The market of the quarter where the famous carpets of Kairouan are sold, Al Balaghijeh market where the shoes and saddles are manufactured and sold, the market of the grapefruit, where the fabrics, blankets and accessories of the carpet industry are woven and sold, where the perfume, incense and wedding supplies are sold, Al - Khadraouen market.

7) Douz and Shatt al-Jared

 Douz is the most beautiful place to start your adventure in the Tunisian desert and you will not hesitate to meditate in the sand dunes and palm trees along the roads which eroded by the sand. It is the greatness of the desert; you will respect its tribes and people as they leave their homes and homes to return to the life of the desert to live in tents. In the oases of Qabli and on the outskirts of Douz, you must take a break to enjoy the charm of the place and enjoy pleasure of dates in the vast palm forests. As for the villages of Sabria, Al-Fawwar and Nawal, submerged under the sand and its small gates, you will be lost in the place between the sand and a desert of salt that radiates its glowing brilliance from the Shatt al-Jared.

Main tourist activities:

• Hotels and resorts are of high quality, while hotels overlook sand dunes

• Desert tourism, including:

  • Quad biking.
  • Skiing on sand dunes.
  • Sailboats.
  • Camping in the desert.

• Acquaintance with nomadic culture especially in the large weekly market

• Paragliding

• Quick water boards on the sandwich

8) Bathrooms

 Yasmine bathrooms or South bathrooms is a city located in Tunisia, characterized by its beaches with attractive white buildings beside the bright blue sea. You can enjoy the charm of relaxation in this city, also enjoy the sunbathing on the white sands and stroll through the old town markets. It is the most important tourist area in the Tunisian country.

It has many hostels and has the best toy city in Africa Carthage Landomina tourist. Beside the City of Games, there is the city of Yasmine bathrooms, an ancient tourist town with shops known as traditional Tunisian industry. Yasmine bathrooms sleeping city located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, in a few years to a "bouquet of pleasure" as the Tunisians call it. This small city has become a global tourist attraction, attracting millions of tourists every year, including the world's most sought-after personalities seeking pleasure and the charm of nature. Establishment of the Yasmin bathrooms tourist resort enhanced the city beauty, which combined the history of the Arab-Islamic world majestic and fine art architectural. The resort named after the legendary Jasmine Flower, which considered one of the most beautiful symbols of the country.


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