

When you visit Luxor, you will feel that it has a special flavor that distinguishes it from all regions of the world. It combines the past and the present at the same time. Every spot in the city of Luxor speaks of the greatness of ancient Egyptians BC thousands of years ago.

Luxor had many names over the ages, most notably is hundred doors city, Sun City, City of Light, Scepter City. The Arabs called it the Luxor.

Luxor has the lion’s share of cultural tourism from the proportion of visitors to Egypt, and Luxor is the repository of ancient Egyptian civilization and more than «800» spot, and an archaeological site containing the most beautiful heritage of Egypt’s human heritage. Luxor (Tiba) remained the capital of Egypt until the beginning of the pharaonic sixth family, when the capital moved to Menph in the north.

Famous landmarks:

Luxor temple:

Luxor temple This temple built for the god Amun Ra, who celebrated his wedding to his wife once a year. The procession of God moves from the Karnak temple by the Nile to the Temple of Luxor. The building of the temple is due to Pharaonic Amenhotep III and Ramses II. The entrance to the temple begins with the monument created by Ramses II, there is two huge seated statues representing him. Two obelisks precede the temple; one is still standing while the other stands in the Place de la Concorde in Paris. Following this edifice Ramesses II courtyard, which surrounded from three sides by two rows of columns in the form of its packed papyrus.

Karnak TempleKarnak Temple:

The greatest places of worship in history, and includes many unrivaled temples including the temple of the god Amon and his wife gods (moot) and their son God (Khansu) the moon god. Known since the Arab conquest in the name of Karnak mean fort. The temple begins with a way of the rams, representing the god Amon and here symbolizes the strength of fertility and development, and carved under the heads statues of King Ramses II. The temple begins with the passage from the first edifice, which goes back to King Nkhtpu and from there to the great courtyard. On the left is the temple of Ramses III.

Holy Lake:

It is located outside the main lobby where there is a large statue of a scarab from the reign of King Amenhotep III and was used for cleansing.

Museum of Luxor:

It is located between the temples of Luxor and Karnak. The museum contains the Pharaonic archaeological collections found in Luxor and the surrounding areas.

Kings and Queens Valley Tombs:

These are the tombs kings and queens of the modern state ordered to carved into the rock in this valley for protection from thieves’ tampering. It consists of several rooms and vaults lead to burial chamber. The most important of these tombs are the tomb of Tutankhamun, the tomb of Ramesses the Third, the tomb of the first city, the tomb of Ramesses the sixth, the tomb of Amenhotep the second, the tomb of Huremheb, and the Tomb of Thutmose the Third.

The most important tombs of Queens Valley : the tomb of Queen Nefertiti wife of Ramses II built by Queen Hatshepsut to perform the rituals that benefit the other world, but the name of the monastery is a modern Arab name launched in the seventh century after the Copts used this temple as a monastery. The temple consists of three ascending terraces divided by a rising road.

Hapu City Temple:

King Ramesses the third commemoration temple, it has religious and war views in a good state, and its colors are still bright. One of the most important tombs of the region: the tombs of nobility and the most important things to convey to us the manifestations of life for the nobility and their families.

Ra Mas Tomb: Build by one of the senior political leaders in the reign during Amenhotep III and Akhenaten era. Inside the tomb inscriptions represent Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti. Luxor visitor can see the temple of Dandara and the temple of Esna.

For Details Regarding Luxor:


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