Kairouan City

Kairouan City

  Kairouan is the first Islamic city in the Maghreb. Kairouan as a word derivative from the Persian word “Kirwan” meaning the camp or the weapons store. From its name, we conclude that this ancient city was a military base from which Islamic conquests originated. Kairouan had a high scientific status because it was the first scientific center in the Maghreb, where libraries, schools and mosques established which frequented visited by people from different countries of Morocco to learn various types of science.

Kairouan also contains many monuments, characterized by inspiring Arab architecture; you notice them as of large minarets and domes, as well as corridors that mimic the narrow mazes of colored houses, not to mention the charming old town.

The most important scientific and archaeological centers in Kairouan:

Bayt al-Hikma:

Like the House of Wisdom in Baghdad, it is the medicine basis in Kairouan and later became an exposition of the various sciences of astronomy, medicine, plant, engineering and mathematics. Bayt al-Hikma was a scientific institute for study, scientific research and translation from Latin and a center for copying works.

Kairouan Mosque:

It is one of the most important archaeological and religious monuments in the city of Kairouan throughout history, built by Oqba Ben Nafie when the city established. Expanded and developed from one era to another and considered the first reference for the Andalusian civilization and Moroccan architecture and decoration.

Top areas and landmarks you can visit:

  • Oqba Mosque:

One of the finest monuments of Islamic architecture in the Maghreb was the largest mosques in the Arab Maghreb until Hassan II Mosque built in Casablanca late 20th century.

  • The place of the companion Abu Zuma Balawi:

One of the most important religious shrines in Tunisia.

  • The place of Sidi Obeid al-Ghorayani
  • The place of Sidi Omar Obada
  • Well Barouth
  • Aghlabian anomalies
  • Three doors Mosque
  • The National Museum of Islamic Art in Raqqada
  • The city wall: the gates of the fence (Bab al-Jalladin, the main door and the most dynamic, Bab Tunis: the second most important door, the new door: opposite the Zaytouna Mosque, Bab al-Khokha, the door leading to the Mosque of Uqba ibn Nafie, Place of Sidi Soury
  • The market: The market of the quarter where the famous carpets of Kairouan are sold, Al Balaghijeh market where the shoes and saddles are manufactured and sold, the market of the grapefruit, where the fabrics, blankets and accessories of the carpet industry are woven and sold, where the perfume, incense and wedding supplies are sold, Al – Khadraouen market.


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